Federally Required Lead Hazard Information and Disclosure Addendum

IMPORTANT NOTICE TO RESIDENTS: The following information is taken from a brochure entitled “Protect Your Family from Lead in Your Home” prepared by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

While the information must be distributed to residents before they become obligated under the lease for most types of housing built before 1978, it does not mean that the dwelling contains lead-based paint (LBP). The brochure was written in general terms and applies to both home purchasers and renters. The information outlines action that can be taken to test for, remove or abate LBP in a dwelling. The TAA Lease Contract (”Lease”) specifically prohibits a resident from performing this type of work—only the dwelling owner may do so under the Lease. If you have any questions about the presence of LBP in your dwelling, please contact the owner or management company before taking any action to test, abate or remove LBP. NOTE: Page references in the content of this form are to pages in the EPA brochure.


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